Tango Dancers Blog © May 2013
Hi SuperSabino, thanks for agreeing to answer your own interview. Let's start!
Q1: Speaking about how you started dj-ing : I suppose you first started dancing tango and then dj-ing, like many other djs? What inspired you to get to the DJ’s console and start playing music? Was is a conscious decision or it happened because you’ve got this chance?
Yeah, I started dancing tango and after some months i started like TangoDJ. I've had other experiences as a DJ but on other genres of music, and even musical experiences like dj in italian radio. I love and live for music. My choice to be a dj tango was certainly not the result of random. how to say ... I felt the call of the tango very strong from the musical point of view.
Q2: What was your early taste of tango? Are there significant differences with the current scene?
I started like a tangoed in the last century ... has changed so much. A revolution - evolution in musical tastes. even if the public love for the great orchestras remains unchanged.
Q3: Do you remember what was your first tango dj-ing experience like?
Yes, in a club that doesn't exist any more. At that time I had already 'a great collection of music and was a great success.
Q4: There is a lot of tango music available now for web downloading and one does not have to have trouble looking for actual CDs. Do you think this paradigm shift has changed the way how DJs work?
Yes, It's more easy to find music, but It's more hard to play music. It's difficult to choose the perfect tanda that tangueros want. Now the public has become more and more demanding
Q5: When do you prepare your playlist? In advance, on the way to milonga, or on the spur of the moment?
Moment by moment. this is the rule. every milonga, every city, every event has a different audience, a different taste in music.
In many years has happened only a few times. This is also due to the fact that accept only the events that I like and where I know I 'll fun.
Q7: How would you define your style? Has it evolved over time? And in which direction? What can influence you in an evening? the audience, the dancers, the acoustics of the location, the duration of your performance ...
Classic and powerful. I try to please the tastes of the public. We must be able to meet the dancer who loves Calo, but also those who love Pugliese, who is crazy about Canaro and those who would like to dance only Biagi. My Style have evolved, like tango has evolved and structured during these years. Innovation in tradition, respecting the extraordinary cultural heritage that is the Argentine tango. Let us remember well: we dance Argentine tango. It's very important study all these factors. It's very different to djing in a sports hall with 1,500 tangueros compared to a small room marathon style with 100 tangueros. Its'very different plays with live music or teachers show. It's different the way to create an emotional wave.
Q8: Do you prefer playing alone or sharing the night with a colleague? Generally prefer to work alone, or with friends who you feeling? Or, you love the thrill of experimenting with a colleague you’ve never heard until that night?
Except for rare cases I wanna play alone. And I love only friends I know. I don't like surprises.
Q9: If someone asks you the name of a track you say it to him, perhaps suggesting where the CD is included, or invite him to venture into the trouble of searching?
Sure. The tango is a world heritage. No secrets.
Q10: The public bother you with absurd requests: what do you do? Are you a jukebox?
It happened in the past, but after some answers a bit strong , all is changed
Q11: Do you like to dance and listen to your colleagues enjoy the selections and styles of others from yours?
Sure , I love listen and dance the wonderful selection of my friends and colleagues...
Q12: Do you believe that the art of “musicalizador” is different for geographic areas? Argentina, USA, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean ... or is it similar in every countries?
There is some difference, but the great orchestras, the great songs are the same all over the world. if nobody plays a song there is a reason. I consider rather ridiculous those, that in the era of the internet, think to find nuggets...
Q13: Would you like to have a milonga just for you, furnish it to your taste, try to create ambiance and energy flow that satisfies you & allows to play with it, as well as customize the calendar of events to your preference?
Too hard. I prefer to travel around the world called from friends.
The classic point-blank questions you have to answer, you cannot refuse:
Three orchestras that can not miss in one evening.
Di Sarli, D'Arienzo, Pugliese
Your three favourite orchestras, which may also be different from the previous ones.
Di Sarli, Pugliese, Troilo
Suggest a tanda of tango instrumental, a tanda of tango singer, one of vals and milonga.
Tango Instrumental
Pugliese - La Tupungatina, Arrabal, Pata Ancha, Nonino
Tango Lyrical
Troilo with Marino - Torrente, Sin Palabras, Cristal, Sombras y nada mas
Biagi - Viejo porton, Dichas que vivi, El ultimo adios
Juan D'Arienzo - Milonga del Corazon, Milonga del Recuerdo, Milonga del 83
What are the three bands or singers you can not stand?
Petruccelli, Tipica Brunswick, Maglio.
What is the band most underrated by the general public and which is the most overrated?
Underrated: Troilo, Calo', Francini/Pontier
Overrated: F.Canaro, Rodriguez, Donato
Your top three nights (in your opinion of course …)
Damn, It's very hard to choose. Ok The best is yet to come!!!
We are less serious: Last night a dj saved my life. The DJ rule is sexy? have you ever had a relationship with some fans and some flirt with your colleagues?
I believe only the tango teachers are sexy…but I know some girls plays music so sexy.